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Center for Bioregional Living - Spring 2025 Newsletter - Andrew Faust

Andrew Faust

Updated: 6 hours ago

Our Permaculture design certification course imparts a positive and empowering vision for social and ecological transformation. We will train you to be a permaculture consultant who can apply the permaculture principles to a diversity of landscapes, scales and issues from rural to urban, and temperate to tropical environments.  Come be inspired by the possibilities of today and not by the fear of tomorrow!


Permaculture Design is :


  • A design science that provides a new model for economic development.

  • Addressing the major social justice and environmental issues of our times from a whole systems perspective.

  • A worldwide movement that is helping to regenerate local ecologies and economies.

The certification connects you to an international world of designer’s, architects, organic farmers, and communities who all recognize it as a legitimate passport to another level of knowledge. Permaculture is a widely adaptable design tool that enables you to design for an entire system such as a business model, property, region, community, greenway, apartment complex and more.  Permaculture is only limited by your experience and your imagination. We are here to help you grow both!


Many of our graduates begin businesses based on what they learn with us from natural beauty product lines, herbal remedies and teas to ecological film projects, animation company’s, recording studio’s, organic farms, and holistic retreat centers.

Topics Covered:

  • History & Origins of Permaculture 

  • Sustainable Cities

  • Regenerative Organic and Biodynamic Farming

  • Temperate and Tropical Agroforestry Systems

  • Natural Building

  • Finding Land & Starting Communities and Homesteads

  • Climate Resilience

  • Off Grid Energy

  • Ecological Water Solutions

This course is the foundational 72 hour Permaculture Design Certification program, endorsed by PINA the Permaculture Institute of North America. Our course offers systemic solutions to the contemporary social justice and ecological issues of our times.​​ Our certification connects you to an international world of designers, architects, organic farmers, and communities who all recognize a permaculture design certificate as a legitimate passport to another level of knowledge.

Hands-on Permaculture Classes

Ellenville, New York

May 31st - June 29th - Weekends - 10am - 4pm 

Join us in Ellenville on our educational campus, 18 years in the making! 

These are the workshops that many of you have been clamoring for. 

They will be relaxed, very informative, fun and a great way to have an immersion educational experience on our permaculture campus.

Andrew Faust and Adriana Magaña at our Center for Bioregional Living are proud to present a series of advanced permaculture and ecological design courses this season. We have thoughtfully crafted each of these offerings to extend your fundamental Permaculture design skills and advance them strongly, with these hands on trainings taking you forward on the wings of true experience!

Themes this season are:

  • Working with Rain water

  • Biodynamic Gardening

  • Whole site Design

  • Natural Building

All the courses in this series function as stand alone teachings and they build off of each other when taken together. You will be helping to create a legacy that will be enjoyed by future visitors and students for years to come. 

Camping is encouraged in designated areas on our land and taking in the sights, during off time, at one of the many nearby gorgeous hiking areas (Lake Minnewaska, Sam's Point, Peter's Kill to name a few)


Rain Water Abundance

Installing Rain Tanks & Rain Gardens

Hands-on Workshop - May 31st - 10am - 4pm - $100

Come and Learn how to capture, hold and store pure high quality rain water. 

A free gift in a place that gets 49 inches of rainfall a year!

You can catch .6 gallons per inch of rainfall, for each square foot of roof area you connect to a tank.


  • Calculate your water harvest

  • Install a rain tank system

  • Use Gravity for water pressure

  • Off grid sinks and showers

  • Connect your overflow or downspouts 

  • Design a series of dynamic diverse, flowering rain gardens

  • Create havens of biodiversity and beauty fed by rain tanks!

Celebrate the abundant gift of rain water and solve water problems on your land with one action. Learn to create gravity fed rainwater supplied irrigation systems for gardens and livestock. You will learn how to connect a big rain tank to your house and how to properly plumb it to use for watering needs on your land and for fun!

Introduction to Permaculture & Biodynamic Gardening

Saturday, June 7 - 10am - 4pm - $100

In this workshop we will have hands-on activities taking you from seed starting to bed prepping and planting an organic market scale garden. 

Come and join us at our one of a kind of Permaculture farm in Ellenville.  The Center for Bioregional Living is a demonstration farm  designed specifically, as our example to the regional food movement  Offering opportunities and approaches for addressing our food needs with more of an integrated, ecological, permaculture approach.

  •  Discuss preferred seed sources

  •  Explain the Biodynamic Calendar & how we use it

  •  Prep and plant beds in our garden

  •  Explain our rain water catching system

  •  Discuss permaculture in the fruit & vegetable garden layout

  •  Explain when we use the tractor and when we use hand tools

  •  Show you amendments that we use in our garden and why

You will get a chance to plant seed and prep beds and learn experientially about some key biodynamic and permaculture gardening insights and approaches to take home to your family and farm.

Permaculture Whole Site Design 

June 21st & 22nd - 10am - 4pm - $400 -- Meals and Camping included!

Learn to lay the groundwork for an entire land development project; establishing ecological businesses, community farms, eco-villages, co-housing and homesteads.

Siting buildings and integrating the entire project through a solid phase plan.

Hands-on activities: siting buildings and infrastructure, laying out and establishing earthworks and infrastructure. 


  • Identifying Trees

  • Understanding Water

  • Creating Habitats

  • What Pollinators Need

  • Reading the landscape

  • Making use of topography and hydrology Identifying biological indicators

  • Whole site analysis, mapping techniques

Come participate in the Center for Bioregional Living’s Permaculture Design Educational center where we will help to teach people the essentials of high quality ways of living abundantly now and into the future.

Naturally Built Tiny House

Saturday June 28 and 29 - 10am - 4pm

Course fee - $400 - Meals and Camping included

Healthy Buildings = Healthy People

Applying the permaculture principles throughout the building process.

This hands-on workshop series will teach you about creating buildings with trees cut from the land, maximizing on-site and local raw materials and framing with rough cut local lumber.

Natural, local and bioregional buildings contribute to ecologically sound local economies and create beautiful, healthy homes and villages to live our lives in.


  • Passive solar design

  • Phased and integrated site development and building techniques.

  • Building structures and sacred sites with good feng shui and natural energy.

  • Insulating naturally, using rainwater for domestic needs and greywater for gardens.

How to use Straw bales:

  • Earthen Plasters, Light Clay straw

  • Passive solar hot water systems for domestic heating

  • Off grid Energy systems 

  • Minimizing household sources of Electro-Magnetic Fields

  • Using gravity and low energy pumps and systems for indoor/outdoor plumbing systems

When you complete this entire series you will know how to create a beautiful natural building from the ground up and set it up to be fully off the grid! 

Come and learn how to create healthy, natural reasonably sized homes, outbuildings and communities . We will teach you how to analyze building locations and materials to determine how ecologically safe and sound they are. 

Most of our time will be spent outdoors and there will be plenty of hands-on work. Home cooked and locally sourced meals included!  Lodging options include limited indoor common area as well as tent space on our beautiful 14 acres. 

Bring tents, sleeping pads, sleeping bags. 


There is a bus from the Port Authority that leaves at 5:30 and arrives at 8:02 in Ellenville where we could pick you up. 

Let us know if this is the best way for you to travel and we will save dinner for you! 

Anyone driving who has extra space in their car let us know so that we may organize carpooling.

There is a NJ Transit Train that runs to Middletown about 40 minutes away, but we are unable to organize service to pick people up from there at this time. Possibly in the future?

For questions or to reserve a space email 


Earth is Our Home: Bioregional Permaculture, A New Model for Economic Prosperity 

Earth Is Our Home articulates an optimistic vision for a new way of living and being, one that is Earth-centered and honors our interdependence with our planet. This book is about regional planning with Permaculture design and how to create a human scale, localized economy. The book provides comprehensive solutions for addressing the planetary scale challenges we are all faced with today.

Ecological overshoot

- Climate chaos from millennia of deforestation and desertification 500 years of colonialism, exploitation and extractive technologies

- Addressing the epic, ethical responsibility, to heal the wounds from industrialization, centralization, environmental racism and chemical contamination.

Andrew Faust offers a clear design process for you to follow, based on his lifelong experience, geared towards healing and creating abundance for all. Adapting how we live collectively, globally and locally, to be more suited to how our beautiful planet actually works, this is the key to how our species creates a true and lasting legacy of well-being and prosperity for all life on Earth.

Enjoy this important discussion on technology and how it is shaping our world today. A free form conversation with Jonathan Crary, author from Columbia University, about his book Scorched Earth: Beyond The Digital Age To A Post-Capitalist World.



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