Permaculture Maps and Plans Gallery
Comprehensive Permaculture plans and designs is one of our specialties. We enjoy going from large to smaller properties working with families and communities to articulate their vision, we walk the site and meet with you, draw our concept and move to details, estimates and installation. Wether you would like a naturally built home or a deeply ecological farm, school, retreat center or community created we are the Permaculture design team for you!

I taught a 5 day training to the Ashokan Center staff and took drawings from their design exercises and created a finished product for them the land then created a whole site design showing future buildings like a community center and staff housing and cabins, water and energy systems and lot's of nut trees and perennial crops.

We walked the land then created a whole site design with homes outbuildings, cabins, water and energy systems and lot's of nut trees and perennial crops.

We walked the land then created a whole site design with homes outbuildings, cabins, water and energy systems and lot's of nut trees and perennial crops

This Design features edible landscaping, road buffers, natural buildings rain water tanks, sun rooms, out buildings that are off grid for studios and music. These folks are part of our daughter's school community and we have continued to maintain these gardens and phase build out this design for them.

We integrated existing farm buildings and layout to create a Permaculture Farm on an old family estate in Virginia. Includes, Orchards, Nut trees and Rain water systems.

Nuts, Berries, Rain tanks retrofitting out buildings Passive Solar home design!

Detail of Biointensive,and biodynamic informed. Permaculture market scale beyond organic, medicinal herb and vegetable garden space design.

Edible Landscaping, Trails, Fire circles,Springs we developed for drinking water and cold dunk spots! sitting areas. This site is a complete immersion Permaculture landscape.

Chestnuts, Hazelnuts,raised Vegetable beds, cold frames for fall greens, Bees and more!

Retrofitting a pool to be natural heated by solar thermal and rain fed with edible landscaping surround sound.Multi-functional privacy screens and chickens.

A comprehensive retrofit of abandoned dairy farm in Greene county NY. Riparian buffers that are also silvapasture for cattle protecting springs and directing them with rain water for Farm labor housing and livestock needs.

Riparian buffers, Farm Housing, off grid buildings naturally built from on-site materials.Natural Meadow managment